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Wise Woman Within You Wisdom Circles

May 1, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

wise woman within you wisdom circles

Wise Woman Within You Wisdom Circles – Circle and Connection!

How do Wise Woman Within You Wisdom Circles begin? You just arrive, have a cuppa, “land”, turn up as you are…received without judgement…bring your journal (or buy one here). Then we go into the Circle….
These Circles have been held for centuries in many forms as women held space for each other to support, to feel safe, to be listened to as part of the wise woman web of women folk, “Womancraft” and Sisterhood.

What is Circle?

We begin by sitting in a Circle on comfy cushions or chairs with a beautiful centrepiece of candle lit radiance and listen as each woman speaks, one at a time, no advice fixing…how does that sound? It feels spacious yet with form because each woman is valued. We can all be heard as we take turns with an approximate amount of time.
It is time for you to be heard by other women as you share, sometimes from a deep space, sometimes just how life is at the moment. A time of listening to your heart and other women, of sharing and receiving.
In our Circle we hear each other, we may not always agree and that’s OK because we are real! Eye to eye, shoulder to shoulder, heart-to-heart, womb to womb.
Each month we focus on the 5 Elemental Archetypes and her corresponding aspects. These Archetypes of Wise Woman, Amazoness, Goddess, Alchemist and Earth Mother offer guidance for us to guide ourselves, trusting our knowing…yes, it’s a practice.
Following a guided meditation and journaling, we share woman, by woman. After this we begin the inquiry of questions, with silence we individually journal, following the thread deep within.
The next part of the circle is for us to share within this respectful and caring space, often hearing more of our own message from the unfolding which occurs from that which we have written. We finish with a closing ceremony which brings joy and more connection to those present.
We often have laughter, tears and always connection.

Join us…

Wise Woman Within You Wisdom Circles are held once a month on Wednesday mornings and evenings here at The Farm for Wellbeing. From the depth of our dreaming our visions & ideas do emerge…the seeds are germinating, sprouting. We allow them to grow and flourish. How do they do this? We watch, listen and observe the flow of the wise woman way…step by step… as we flow with the Lunar Cycle and our inner guidance supported by the Elemental Archetypes and their enriching aspects. With our inward awareness, we ponder questions to honour these seeds of inspiration and our flow in life. Or perhaps you feel stuck…this too we will explore…all is welcome….
Support, continuity, connection, steady flow…
Curious? Contact Joan if you have any questions: 0438 717 079.


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Upcoming dates:

  • Wednesday 7 February
  • Wednesday 6 March
  • Wednesday 3 April
  • Wednesday 1 May
  • Wednesday 5 June

Morning: 10am – 1pm
Evening: 6.30pm – 9.30pm


May 1, 2024
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Joan Carpenter
View Organiser Website


The Farm for Wellbeing
11 Willis Rd
Flaxley, SA 5153 Australia
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