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Jodi-Anne Smith
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- Jodi-Anne Smith
Jodi-Anne Smith is a counsellor who assists people to heal their hurts, clear limitations, connect with their higher self and embody the light. She is based in Meadows, South Australia and offers individual appointments, group workshops and training in how to use Family Constellations for yourself, others and groups. The training is a 6 month personal development journey that also provides you with the skills to run your own Family Constellation business if you want to.
Jodi-Anne also teaches Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) to help people calm their nervous system, become more embodied, grounded and peaceful within. Other modalities include the crystal light bed and psych-k for reprogramming subconscious beliefs.
Jodi-Anne has worked in the healing field for over 20 years teaching workshops on a range of personal development topics. She is the author of two books. She has channelled answers to over a 100 questions about how life works and the healing journey. These answers are available for free on the life insights page of her website https://www.jodiannemsmith.com/
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