The Farm for Wellbeing

Lunar Cycle Meditation Package


Enjoy this Lunar Cycle Meditation Package and follow the full lunar cycle using the Wise Woman Within You Archetypes guided by Joan Carpenter.





Begin with a meditation for New Moon in the Wise Woman Archetype. The Fluidity of Wise Woman: soften into the ocean of expansion and connect with the blue depths of your inner wisdom.


In First Quarter listen to the Amazon Archetype meditation. She Tree Self: be enlivened and enriched through the growth of your She Tree from your roots deep in Earth Mother and upwards to your leafy canopy.


For Full Moon in the Goddess Archetype listen to the Checking in with Self meditation. Feel the flow of your life, your purpose and your passion and be open to new possibilities.


Continue into the Archetype of Earth Mother with the Pyramid Meditation. Create your pyramid Self anchored into Earth Mother. Feel stable and secure as Earth Mother sends her rejuvenating love up into your body.


Complete the Lunar Cycle with a meditation in the Alchemist Archetype – Alchemy of Love & Light. Gold and Silver Light combine in a process of alchemy bringing goodness from the heavens and love from the spirit world, cleansing and clearing that which no longer serves you and filling you with light and love.


Each meditation normally costs $10. Receive this 5 meditation package for $40 – a 20% discount.

Meditations download as MP3 files.

Joan Carpenter
Joan Carpenter

Enjoy more meditations from Joan Carpenter here