Hello Friends of the Farm,
Thank you for all the support you have given us even if it is just receiving these newsletters – perhaps you haven’t made it here yet or it has been a while. We look forward to connecting in the future soon!
As we go into our 7th year (our moving-in Anniversary is 27 June 2018) we do feel our community. We have been so blessed in so many ways by many of you, coming as a participant for an event, helping, supporting our networking by sharing our events and of course the donations of items! We truly appreciate it all.
Even with Hibernation in July (more on this later) we will have some events during this time – see later on in this newsletter and check website or Social Media for updates and bookings.
The Wise Woman Within You Wisdom and Shamanic Circles will be resting until Spring as will any of Joan’s events yet the support will be there 100% for the wonderful offerings by others. Please do read on and continue to share. Thank you in advance.
I wish to say that Urs and I consider ourselves co-custodians of this land and look after Her as best as we can. Yet we acknowledge the true traditional custodians, the Peramangk People, their Elders – male and female, past, present and emerging and their customs and culture which goes back 1000’s of years.
May we all practice living in harmony with the Land, each other and ourselves in non-judgmental, kind and respectful ways for the children of today and the children of tomorrow.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! We appreciate your interest! We look forward to connecting soon.
Sending you joy, peace and kindness,
Joan and Urs
A few words from Joan about Winter Hibernation.
Here we are in Autumn on the brink of Winter. Well, the calendar tells us so but what does Nature say?
There have been so many warm days, green shoots and even blossoms on the fruit trees…could be Spring. Yet the nights have become cold, the wood fire is blazing from 6.00 pm, soup is a regular occurrence at mealtime. So Winter is beckoning.
Are you preparing for Winter? Hibernation? What does that mean for you? I seriously encourage you to think about this and consider how Nature does Winter. Yes, I am from North Dakota, USA where Winter is SERIOUS BUSINESS! Many have heard my stories of preparing our vehicle for Winter driving: snow tires, extra clothing in the boot, candles and chocolate bars in case we got stuck in the snow – any warmth is good warmth in -20F or worse temperatures!
It is much gentler here, yet the season can be felt and if we allow ourselves to listen to this, we will feel the draw to go inwards, slow down, have quiet time…in a sense to be “dormant” as the plants and some animals be in Winter. This part of the World’s Earth Cycle can feel like a pause if we allow it.
I look forward to Winter very much because we can be very busy in our life here on the farm (note I say “can be” because I believe we have a choice in life to where we put our energy, use our time, etc.) In Winter I attempt (each year I do get better at this! LOL) a “lesser doing” time which allows more time for rest, quietude, connecting with friends, reading. I will be honest it takes discipline even for this as I am a “doer” and I have lots of ideas for offerings and events plus love connecting with people so I can fill those “rest places” in my diary with other things to do – it is this “doingness” that I am talking about. Yet if I don’t I feel a sense of disappointment that I missed this cyclic chance for a energy reset. A deep nourishing that is so necessary for my wellbeing. So – can we practice resting? Being quiet. Doing less? Even a bath as just that – without a book is a whole other experience. Sometimes we notice when we drive, we have that alone time to think/ponder/consider…feels good, right? To just BE with oneself…So what I am proposing is this Winter (especially mid-June to late July which for me feels like deep Winter – including Winter Solstice 21 June) you allow some time for that… just Being with Yourself…and see how that feels. You and your nervous system, your whole Being so deserves this quietude! And a reminder to not give yourself a hard time about it – let it be a gentle process.
May you stay warm and well, hibernate as you can and enjoy this wonderful season of the pause…
Sent with Love,
Joan xxx